Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Wednesday Whine

I'm close to snapping. Going Postal...punting that fucking cat right off the balcony and into the woods to the wolves. I haven't slept a full night in months. I have tried everything I can think of. Now we're down to the last straw, and Henry is getting his walking papers TODAY. Yesterday he managed to chew the spiral cord off my phone. Yes, another fucking phone bites the dust in this household. Granted the first 3 were due to a short in the jack. And now Henry chose my most expensive phone to chew up. Last week it was the VCR...he knocked that off the dresser and it was found dangling behind it by its cord. Now it's dead too. I simply cannot, will not, refuse to, and will be fucked if I put up with one more night with that fucking cat. I have put out feelers to a couple of friends, so if they don't want him, he is going straight to the pound. Stupid cat. His worst behaviour is that he is up half the fucking night, prowling around, digging, rooting, scratching at my bed, jumping after my feet when they move, rattling at the window, purrupping, meowing, you name it...stupid cat.

and then there is the matter of the laundry room. It closes at 10pm every night, and opens at 8am. In theory...this morning I purposely got up at 8am, like I do every morning that I do laundry, and dragged my laundry to the laundry room. Except it wasn't open. So I dragged my laundry back to my apartment. 8:15am I went out again. Still fucking locked. Ok, I'm getting even more frustrated now. Dragged my laundry back to my apartment, yet again. 8:25 I go out again, meet some guy in the hallway who asks me how I'm doing...not the right time to ask...normally I would just say, fine, and move on. Today I told him I was frustrated. So he asks why, and I tell him I have been trying to get into the laundry room, and have dragged my laundry out there twice already. So then he apologizes...turns out this guy is the one who was supposed to open the door at 8am. He slept in. So I told him that I got up early just to do laundry. Another excuse - "sometimes I sleep in"...whatever. Just be lucky you are opening the door now, because I was moments away from taking my axe to the door.

Don't mess with a stressed out, overtired, frustrated woman.

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