Monday, January 31, 2011

Revisiting the Falls

I wrote this post nearly 6 years ago. There have been just a few spectacular falls since then.

  1. I was shopping in Superstore with a friend in Antigonish, and did not notice the empty pallet left on the floor and went SLAM to the ground when I tripped on it, making quite a commotion. I scraped up my knees and hands. I got up off the floor and kept on going...
  2. While visiting our great capitol city of Ottawa one summer, I was staying downtown and walked to see Parliament Hill. I was looking at the buildings as I walked closer and managed to trip over my own feet, sprawling right in front of a tour bus. The bus driver came flying out when he saw me go down, and helped me back up. I limped the rest of the time I was there, and had quite a bruise on my foot.
  3. I was waiting at the walk-in clinic at the Superstore Mall in Dartmouth for a chest cold and had time to kill so went across the hallway to Superstore. They had just installed that black ribbon tape to herd shoppers into the self-checkouts since I had last been there. In doing so, they cut off about 100 feet of access to the store, so not wanting to go all the way to the end of the store to get in, I ducked under the ribbon. They are retractable, and what I failed to realize was that the one I ducked under was already ALL of the way out, so when I ducked under, it brought the pole directly towards me as I went to duck under and smacked me right in the forehead, splitting my head open. I had to go to the hospital after I went to the clinic to get 3 stitches in. Superstore mailed me a letter later telling me it was not their fault (I hadn't said it was).
  4. And I almost forgot the fall I had the night my apartment building blew up and burned down - I was crossing the street to see how things were going and tripped over the fire hose, tore my pyjamas and skinned my knee pretty bad.
It's been about a year since my last fall. I'm about due. My mother used to call me Calamity Jane, but I never knew why. Calamity Jane was never known to be clumsy...

***post script - spoke too soon - managed to fall down the ladder here at my cabin, and skinned my knee, and tore my rotator cuff. Ouch.

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