Monday, April 21, 2008

Password Hell

We've all been there. Many of us visit there frequently. I have so many passwords I want to scream...I even have a book for most of them. I have several at work, and they all expire, on different days so it is a constant struggle to keep up with them. I have a few key phrases/combinations with slight variations that I use for more than one login, but sometimes I use a service so rarely that when it comes time to sign in, I haven't the faintest idea.

We have passwords to login to our computer network at work, then to login to our email, to our child protection server, then the child protection application. We report our time and overtime through another online program, and there is a password for that. This is the one I forget frequently...when you forget it they don't email you the current password, they get you to change it again...sigh...

At home I have passwords for all of my email programs, blogger, facebook, banking with 2 banks, ebay, paypal, my sister's ebay, all the forums I visit (like lonely planet thorntree, hip forums, cbc news, etc) and passwords for other online buying accounts like Westjet, Amazon, Chapters Indigo, Staples, Future Shop, Dell, etc...the list goes on. Then there are passwords to get into the alumni stuff at university, passwords to sign into chat programs like msn and yahoo messenger.

Then there are access codes for computer, and for phonecalls regarding my student loans. I call them maybe twice a year and they expect me to remember them...I spend more time trying to forget they exist...

Password hell, I tell ya...

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