Sunday, April 06, 2008

Henry the Horrible

I should have known better. I should have seen it coming. Actually, I did see it coming, but chose to hope for better. I was wrong. Henry is horrible. I spent a couple of hours yesterday repotting and separating my plants at the office, where they have been since I moved here last November, not wanting to bring them home in the frosty temperatures. The end result was quite nice, and I was able to give my friend K. some plants, and have a few to take home.

Then Henry had a look at them. First when I brought them home, he tempted himself to get close to one of them best ones, a strong stalk of leafy splendor. I ROARED at him and he got the point. Or so I thought. He backed off, taking the cue, and left them alone yesterday. Then today came.

I was cuddling with Stormy, who is as needy as ever, and heard Henry doing something. You know, when the sound doesn't make sense you just KNOW they are into something. So I get up to look and he has ripped my shamrock out of it's home by the tender roots and was calmly nibbling on it sprawled on the kitchen floor, leaves nowhere in sight (down in his gullet by that point). So I ROARED at him again, and put what was left back in the pot and placed the pot up high.

Hours later I stepped out of the apartment to bring the garbage down. I may have been gone about 3 minutes at the most. When I got back the horrors met me. My strong stalk of leafy splendor was now in the middle of the kitchen floor, and there was wet mud all over the carpet, end table, and MY WHITE COUCH. Henry was skulking nearby. There were ROARS. Oh yes, there were ROARS. Henry got a time-out in the bathroom while I cleaned the mess up, and now I have shoved him out on the balcony. If only he would run away to the neighbors and never come back.

Henry is horrible. Don't let the cute fuzzy looks fool you. There is evil deep inside.

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