Monday, July 14, 2008

10 Things You May Not Know About Me

Because I'm out of ideas for blogging, I fell victim to a simple meme...

  1. I had my motorcycle license when I was 14 years old. I drove my father's moped, and later, his dirt bike and ATV.
  2. My very first job was pinsetting in a bowling alley. Yes, that was before they had automatic pinsetters.
  3. I know how to tie and set a rabbit snare.
  4. I passed my driver's license on the first try. My sister did not.
  5. I own a gun. A .303. I do not have it with me.
  6. I did not attend my high school prom. I went camping with friends instead and got really really drunk. And of course, went out with someone I didn't really like...but hey, after 20 shots, anyone would look good...
  7. My very first boyfriend has the same name as my brother.
  8. I know how to change the oil in my car AND the sparkplugs (thanks Dad).
  9. I was a Brownie, a Girl Guide, a Pathfinder, a Junior Leader, and a Lone Guider (leader)
  10. I met Queen Elizabeth and she shook my hand.

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