Tuesday, April 06, 2004

well, the snow in my driveway is low enough to drive over now. We had only cleared enough snow to park two cars instead of three as it was just too much snow, and the pile grew to about 7 feet...now it is mere inches and I am excited...it should be clear by tomorrow evening! I parked on top of it tonight, hoping the heat from the car would melt it somewhat. The yard is nearly clear, just a foot or so in the back and nearly the same in front. There are flurries flying now, but nothing to worry about.

went shopping last night and bought the cutest little electric chopper for about $9 at Wal-Mart. I melted the food holder on the stove of my last one, and had e-mailed Black and Decker about it, to no avail...no one even bothered to answer my email. It likely would have cost me a fortune for the replacement piece anyhow. No more garlicy onion hands!!! The resident teenager also bought one for her upcoming move out plan...which, I might add, brings me to my next topic...

Moving Out

It cannot happen soon enough. Earlier this year I was all worried about the whole empty nest thing, and having a tough time with it...yeah, I'm over that...I am SO over that. It is time for this little munchkin to move on and experience the world. I know I will still miss her, but she has become so dependant on me...doesn't eat most of the day after spending it lounging around the house, and then pounces on me when I come through the door - what's for supper...charming little thing...I show her the fridge and all the items in there that SHE can cook with. I am pooped when I get home and the last thing I want to do is COOK. I do manage once or twice throughout the work week, and usually a couple of times on the weekend, but other than that...she must fend for herself. And today was no exception...I cooked last night (homemade pizza) so tonight was not her night....I show her the fridge again.

Chores, now THAT'S a nasty topic...they seem to be near non-existent in this dear child's memory, and nearly distant in the memory of the boyfriend. He manages to clean the dishes 3-4 times a week, but usually not without prompting...grumble, grumble says I. I don't ask for much, just the dishes done each day from the boyfriend, and from the resident teenager, vacuum once a week, clean the bathroom once a week, and an occasional miscellaneous chore...it is more of a chore to get her to do it, no matter how I phrase it.

Noise at night...lets see...resident teenager gets off work close to midnight, and the boyfriend gets off work at midnight...what might this result in? You got it...two wound up teenagers late at night...laughing, watching television, carrying on, talking, in and out of the bedrooms, bathroom, up and down the stairs...ARRRRRGGGGGHHHHHH

Then there are the dishes that are left all around...been a problem for several years and has never gotten better...

yup - I am so over the empty nest thing...is it July yet???

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