Saturday, April 03, 2004

rain today, but I am fine with is taking the snow...I can see the grass in my yard...mind you it is skirted by about 4 feet of snow, but it is grass, none the less...soon I will see robins! And better yet, the times go ahead tonight at midnight...whoo hoo! Longer days, I can handle that...

I applied for three different jobs in the North West Territories yesterday...the pay is awesome and I think it would be quite a learning experience to live that far north. I have lived in Labrador, so know some idea of the cold and snow, and I have lived in Grand Bruit, so have some idea of the isolation...bring it on! I think as long as I have a sattelite dish and internet on my computer, I will be just FINE! I can live anywhere for a year or two if it means getting rid of my student loan debt!!!

My friend Kathleen is also looking up north, so it might be cool if we both get jobs up there at the same time. We had thought about driving up, but it is probably 7000 kms or more...little more than I want to do on my own right now, and we would both need our cars, so couldn't travel together.

big excitement this weekend...I will be watching movies and knitting on my blanket...whoo hoo! But honestly, I need the rest. Its been a busy week, and I had a few calls on duty to go out on, so need to take it easy and relax.

Got some actual exercise today - let the resident teenager take the car to work, so I walked to my office for a few papers I needed, then walked to Sobeys for some groceries...its pissing rain, but I was dressed for it. I haven't walked anywhere in ages. Funny how places that seem close in the summer seem too far away in winter. Of course, I saw a special on meat while at Sobey so bought extra and packed it in my backpack...what felt reasonable when I left Sobeys felt like a quarter of moose by the time I got home...but I made it nonetheless and I feel better for having gotten some exercise, even if it was just a short walk. I will be glad though, when the snow is gone and I can actually walk on the sidewalks again, so I do not fear losing my life to the logging trucks that thunder by me on the road...

The b/f of resident teen is out shopping today, buying up stuff for their new apartment that they have yet to rent. They are so excited about furnishing it...I can understand that. I remember my first place and how excited I was, but so very poor at the time. It will be nice to go and visit them when they move out.

I should look at rentals in NWT, as I hear they are quite pricey...I only need a room and a bathroom though, a little kitchenette...just fine with me.

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