Saturday, February 25, 2006

And No One Got Hurt

I used up the rest of the soft claws nail caps today and no one got hurt. I managed to get 3 on Via's back paw (she was missing two) to keep her from scratching at the bites that the little bastard rains down on her. I also managed to get 6 on Stormy, which is quite remarkable. They were so good I treated them to some new kitty treats. Hopefully now Via can begin to heal again.

Stormy is quite the hunter...too bad the birds he hunts are on the other side of the glass, lol. He is constantly at the window watching the birds at the feeders and the squirrel at the bag of birdseed on the step. The squirrel has left quite a mess on top of a box where he apparently sits and snacks, as it is all worn down. As long as they don't start trying to get into the house. I've only seen one squirrel though, so that's good.

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