Friday, February 08, 2008

My Flaky Cat

Stormy is big and black, and has dandruff...or at the very least, dry skin. It's quite dry in the north, and his skin is flaking off all over the place. I'm sure it's driving him nuts, though I haven't seen him scratching much. The remedy is to either add moisture (near gets SUCKED into the air and evaporates quicker than I could add it) or to add fish oil to his diet. Via didn't like fish, so I hadn't been in the habit of buying any fish flavored cat food, but in light of his flaky skin, I thought I might try it. He practically inhaled it...and Henry turned his nose up at it. His loss...

The irony is, I am allergic to animal dander, and this dry skin of Stormy's is exactly the portion I am allergic to...sneeze, snort, sniff...good thing I love that boy...he still gets his snuggles regardless of the level of flakiness...

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