Thursday, February 21, 2008

Oh The Indignity Of It All!

This is Sally Ann. She is a dolly that I gave to my daughter for her 1st birthday, nearly 21 years ago. This was THE dolly, and she lugged her around for years and loved her dearly. Sally Ann had many outfits that I sewed for her, including this one made from leftover fabric from my sister's prom dress, and she has had many roles in my daughter's life. At one point, she was one of the "children of England" in her fantasy playland. She never slept without her, and in the mornings would come shuffling out of bed in her pyjamas, Sally Ann tucked under one arm, and then chuck her up on the table beside her to eat breakfast. She travelled with us wherever we went, and it was a bit of a drama the once time we forgot her on our way to the cabin for the weekend.

My daughter has since outgrown her many years ago, now that she's nearly 22 years old. I've been lugging her around with me through my manh moves, not wanting to part with her myself, as she reminds me of the innocence of my daughter's childhood. Her current place was sitting in the rocking chair I rocked my daughter in all those years, which now sits in the spare room.

I happened to go into the spare room this morning and found her in this condition. Poor Sally Ann has been brutalized, and the culprit is Henry VIII, feline. He ripped her dress off her and there are several teeth marks in her dress, and on her body. I've since moved her to a shelf in my closet for safety reasons.

Oh, the indignity of it all.

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