Wednesday, February 13, 2008

St. Valentine Was a Sadist

Valentine's day is for lovers. When you don't have one, it is nothing but a horrible reminder that you are alone while others celebrate their love for each other. Boo. Love sucks. The only good thing about Valentine's day is the sweet treats...pass the chocolates, I'll have a double.

I don't recall it being any less miserable as a child either. We made those stupid valentine boxes/folders/bags and spent the whole day before decorating them with construction paper hearts, paper lace doilies, glitter, ribbon, whatever you could find in the classroom. And then you diligently made out your 30 valentines at home the night before, trying not to give the wrong person the wrong idea - don't want to give too cute of a one to the gross guy who makes armpit farts with his hand...he might think you like him. And hoped like hell the guy you had a crush on gave you a nice one, if at all. And if he wasn't in your class, it likely didn't happen, and hearts were broken again...sob!

So, if you have someone to kiss tomorrow - lucky you. I'll be eating chocolate at home with the only boys in my life...Stormy and Henry.

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