Saturday, April 29, 2006

Avoiding Saturday Sloth

I woke first at 6am, and put my blinders on my eyes and went back to sleep...too early! Got up about 8:30am, but hardly up...went to the bathroom and got back into bed, lol...and hung out on the computer for about an hour...then I realized it was time to get my ass out of up and did a week's worth of dishes. And not a single thing once again time to get my ass moving...not that I haven't been busy...but not at anything constructive, purely entertainment, lol.

The baby eagles have begun to hatch. The news is reporting that they've seen a fuzzy head but I don't know what the hell they're talking about...I have only seen smooth eggs with a dark spot on each of them where it is assumed their beaks have already pecked out, but no head...however I haven't been watching more than an hour...I might still see it yet!

I am still rearranging the household for the arrival of the soon to be resident teenager(although not for long...her 20th birthday in early June) I may even be able to have sattelite upstairs by the time I'm done...something I've wanted since I got here for when I just want to curl up in bed to watch, or just hang out in my comfy chair upstairs where its always warmer (for when I am too lazy to light the fire....)

Ok, this is the sound of me getting up to resume chores....crreeeeeaaaaaaaakkkkkk

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