Thursday, April 06, 2006

Whine, Cough, Hack, Whine

Still sick, with a yucky cold. I am off from work today, but came into town for a doctor's appointment and to pick up a few things and had to stop by my office, and here I sit, waiting for my appointment in an hour.

It has not been a good day. I'm having trouble with my satellite dish, and diagnosing the problem has become quite a chore, and I'm still not sure I have found sucks to be sick and not be able to watch television. The salt in the wound is that I don't have my computer at home either, which is what I really like to use when I'm sick...curled up in bed playing computer games online with my laptop...whine....

I also dumped my coke on my lap at the McRotten drivethru. I lost about half of the cup ful and missy at the drivethrough hands me two napkins. Nice mess.

Then as I am trying to get into the right lane to turn into the park and eat my rotten ronnies, and the guy in front of my hung in to my left, preventing me from doing so, so I slowed down to pull in behind him and he gave me the crazy sign (circular motion in his ear) and then as I tried to make the left, there was someone parked with a trailer in the only lane I could pull into going in the right direction, so had to kind of scoot around him while pulling into the oncoming lane as a car was coming towards me...a bit of manuevering and I could forsee an accident if I didnt' get my damn car parked somewhere...then shortly after I parked I think I saw the same truck that gave me the crazy sign drive slowly behind me at the park, possibly writing my license number down, which creeped me out. I didn't do anything wrong, so he's lucky he didn't stop or he would have heard an earful.

Then I came into the office and got on the phone with Dell and got yet another fucking runaround...dammit I am so sick of dealing with them about my laptop. They managed to lose my order this I lit into the gal at the other end about all the runaround, cried, lost my temper, the whole nine yards. I am so frustrated with them and how they can manage to screw things up so many times...just wait until they send out their customer satisfaction survey, as they do after each time I call them...I have a few choice words...

So here I sit, in coke soaked pants, drying out, reading emails and blogging, whilst waiting for my doctor's appointment. He managed to fuck around so much during my first visit to him, that I never really got to explain why I went to him in the first place, so I took the time and wrote up my medical history and that of my family's so he doesn't have to reinvent the damn wheel again. I hate beginning fresh with a new is one of life's true annoyances about moving.

All I know is I hope I can watch my regular Thursday night programming tonight...whine...sigh...

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