The Bear Scare Howl
So I pulled into my driveway tonight and noticed A. cleaning out her car (what a pack rat) so parked the car with a short gravel skid, just to get attention. She didn't budge, so I figured she had her music on. She also didn't see me because her head was down behind the front seat, vacuuming. I couldn't pass up that opportunity.
I crept up behind her and thumped my arm on her back with a low growl...
She let out the Bear Scare Howl.....leapt upright with her head still in her car, smucking it off the roof inside and screamed, stumbled, and screamed again.....
And I laughed my ass of those howling know the sort, the kind you've been aching for since the last time something really funny happened. And I needed it more today than ever. Monday really is over.
Nice! You're such a sweet Mudder! ;)
of course, it is just simple payback for the real bear we had come sniffing around because she forgot to take the garbage to the dump and it got forgotten on the back step where he found it.
It was also very funny... :-)
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