Thursday, November 09, 2006

Stupid Student Loan People

7:00am this morning the phone's one of my student loan folks who call every three months (looking to increase my payments) so she got a very cranky, sleepy person at this end. Bitch. I had set my alarm for 8am as I needed all the sleep I could get before the movers come today and I was up so late last night preparing. It never fails. If it isn't my sister calling me late at night on the rare night I go to bed early, it is these rotten whorebags. Typically the call on Saturday mornings, but today was a surprise. What gets me is they KNOW where I live but for some reason cannot put that together with a DIFFERENT TIME ZONE.

Rotten whorebags. I just like saying it.


Big Hoser said...

Didn't you, like, triple your monthly payments to them? Geez, what more do they want? Rhetorical, I know. They want it all....

Just wait 'til they accidently phone you after you've sent in the last payment.... You think you're calling them rotten whorebags now.... cancel any automatic payments before your last payment and send them a cheque, on which you've written a memo about them being rotten whorebags... :D


Dreama said...

Oh yeah, these fuckers are getting $400 a month out of me and still aren't happy. I like our idea and will probably do something like that. I have an envelope that I've saved for years, from before I was married. On the outside it says "payment enclosed. I hope you choke on it".

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