Monday, January 29, 2007

Snow - Ugh.

Yes, we have snow here. It snows every time the temperature rises above -15C. We don't get a ton, but when the temp never goes above 0C, we keep accumulating it. See that mountain on top of my bbq behind the kitty? I actually had to go out and shovel snow tonight. I am thoroughly disgusted. That is the second time this year. I'm going to have to move farther north to escape the snow. Or I could just move south and escape both cold and snow. Not that I haven't been considering it for my next step. Here's the latest hairbrained scheme...when my mountainous student loans are paid off, I might trade my car in for a camper and head to Guatemala to live for a couple of does that sound? Crazy, I know...but very doable...the photo below is of the sunset in my back yard. It is a "screen" shot, literally because I could not open the door. Too much fucking snow behind it.

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