Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Water Bottle Junkie

I never thought it would happen to me. But it did. I am now a water bottle toting junkie. I have to have water with me everywhere. Partly because of the climate I live in is so very dry in the winter, due to the deep freeze temps we get for many months. I'm also trying to cut down on sugary drinks. I swapped out coke for ginger ale years ago, but now I'm on the water...and I don't believe in buying a ton of those small water bottles, such a waste of energy and plastic. So I have several plastic Nalgene water bottles, with the lid attached to the mouth of it...one at work, one in the bathroom (for taking meds), one in on the coffee table, and one for the car when I travel. And I think I am not alone...fess up...my water comes from the Great Slave Lake. How many of you can say that? Hmmmm...

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