Tuesday, January 02, 2007

See Where Laziness Gets You

I had a visit from my ISP today (small town, she knows where I live) to let me know that a 14 year old young gal a few doors down from me was camping out on my network...little snot. Yes, I had left my network unsecured, figuring I would get there eventually, and I had met most of the neighbors and didn't figure them for laptop users...what I didn't know is that this little miss got a computer for Christmas, and apparently has been downloading like crazy. I also got an email from my ISP main office telling me I am over my usage for the month...WTF??? I have hardly downloaded anything, a few songs, that's it. Then I put that together with the little miss who has a new computer and blingo...apparently she told her mother she didn't need to get internet now because she could get it for free...nothing comes free you little brat.

So then, in what should have been a short effort...I set about securing my network. It should have been easy. It wasn't. Turns out I WAS a complete retard and couldn't see the setting for it when I logged in. What I wasn't putting together was the fact that the card I was reading instructions from didn't say you access the settings from the internet account...I though it was on my computer somewhere...duh. Once I got that sorted out, only 2 hours later...I even renamed my network from Netgear (the brand name of the router) to FREEFORME. Take that ya cheapo putz...

Of course, I was never above camping out on someone else's net once in a while...but this affected ME, so of course was more important...heh heh. However, purchasing extra bandwith is expensive ($30/gig) so I must put up with slower connection until the 15th when I am unrestricted again. And now my ISP has a new customer...

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