Saturday, February 03, 2007

Global Warming

There's been much in the news about this. I have one comment to make, and it isn't based on any specific research method, nor did it cost millions of dollars and take years to come to a consensus on. Considering the theory of a former ice age, and the fact that we are no longer in one and haven't been for thousands of years...wouldn't that be considered global warming? The very fact that we are not in an ice age tells me our planet is warmer. Imagine. And I didn't need to have 113 scientists come together to confirm this.


Big Hoser said...

I think "drastic climate change" is a better term than "global warming."

AS hokey as disaster movies go, 'Day After Tomorrow' was fairly close in its depiction of global warming/climate change in that as the icecaps melted, they screwed up the rest of the planet's climate patterns, right down to ocean currents. Which is how the planet dove into yet another ice age (albeit drastically).

Thanks for not saying: "I live in the Northwest Territories and it's cold! So much for global warming!"

Now, looking at Ontario and seeing them getting their first major snowfall of the season in January... that's worrisome.

I'll just stick with the earthquake risk for now. One natural disaster at a time, thanks.


Dreama said...

It hasn't been THAT cold this winter at all. Nothing below -40C and anything we've gotten in the minus thirties hasn't been for more than a day or two at at time. It's -25C this morning.

I remember that movie. It seemed a little ridiculous at the time, but most futuristic movies do (to me). All I know is anyone can look at history and see that it's been getting scientific method needed.

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