Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Monday Is Puke Day

You got it. Monday's generally suck anyway. We're not quite ready to give up the weekend, and must arrive at work ready to go. Unless you're puking. Which was my daughter's case. Neither of us are regular pukers. But apparently she gets a little scared when puking, particularly after the 7th or 8th time...so what does my 20 year old daughter do when afraid? She gets her 18 pound cat and clings to him while crouched next to the toilet bowl...I can only imagine what in the hell McGee was thinking at the time, other than why in the hell am I forced to watch this person puke. My daughter said he kept trying to get up on the toilet seat. Gross. Like any cat, he probably saw it as lunch...eww.

So of course, karma steps in. I laughed my ass off when she told me about that, and then later in the day when I got home from work, I coughed so hard it turned my stomach (ever get that?) and usually some slow breathing and cool air can settle it down again. Nope. I puked. Karma baby...

But I am still laughing at the image of my daughter crouched beside the porcelain goddess, clinging to her chubby cat while she puked.

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