Wednesday, January 16, 2008

The Socializing and Training of Young Henry

Well, I was beginning to get quite frustrated with young Henry VIII, as he wasn't listening and was defiant as an insolent child, but in the past few weeks he has come a long way. He still has his stubborn moments, but now he responds to my voice, as long as it is short sharp commands. If my neighbors can hear me, they are probably wondering what the hell is going on..."STOP!" "NO!" "GET DOWN!" "DON'T TOUCH!" "LEAVE IT ALONE!" "GET OUT OF THERE!" and so on...

He has certainly come a long way from the defiant feline he was while we bunked in with my friend C. She would come after him with the spray bottle and he would run through it like a sprinkler...

he's come a long way from that fuzzy little kitten he was pictured here...


LadyRugi said...

I read several of the last post about this little cutie...and girl, YOU'RE DOING A PRETTY GOOD JOB! Keep on it! =)

Dreama said...

thanks! I was worried for a bit that he just wasn't going to learn, but he is coming right along...good timing too, because my patience was wearing mighty thin...

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