Saturday, May 03, 2008

Stress and Relaxation

I think I have perfected the art of relaxation. I can totally chill out these days. I think I even approach being comatose...I used to get terrible stressed out by finding myself in a long line-up, wondering how long it was going to take to get through my business and off doing something else. Now I look at that time spent in the waiting line a nice little relaxing break. After all, there isn't much I can do about the line. If it is the only checkout/line open, there isn't much point in whining about it. Why do you think they provide all of that great reading material for us, along with candy, drinks, and other handy gadgets right there at the checkout. How else would I know that Britney Spears has shaved her head, lost her children/husband/mind/career/sobriety/underwear/bodyguard...

Knitting has given me great patience. I knit all the time, at home, in seminars, at work during lunch or a teleconference. I knit on the bus/train/boat/plane/car and at the airport, staff meetings, at a friend's house, while watching movies, you name it. Then I give away all the mittens I've made. I'm currently experimenting with some felting wool. I'll be sure to post before and after photos.

When I need down time...I get down with my downtime. I have no problem taking time off either. As much as I enjoy my job, I also enjoy my time off with friends and family. I'll be taking about 6 weeks of time this summer, and can't wait!

My job is significantly less stressful than previous positions elsewhere, however it isn't without it's own pressures. I am coping easily now, but can also see potential for high stress at times when it's busy. I enjoy every weekend off, and will often choose to absolutely nothing, turning down invites, having socialized enough throughout the week. And not feel guilty about it.

I remember a time a few years ago when that was not the case. I'm glad to be where I am now, than where I was. I can't wait to get my hammock hung out on my balcony for some snoozing...I would love to have this hammock in that location..

Now if I can just get one for least now he spends time on the balcony, fully entertained.

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