Monday, September 29, 2008

Account Department...yeah, right...

So some I got this email in my box a complete idiot would fall for this. It's like writing a letter to your teacher and signing it, Tom's was so bad, I had to post it, with annotations...

Dear account holder, (ok, it's not in capital letters, for one...)

We are constantly working to ensure security by regularly screening the accounts in our system. (and randomly emailing people we don't know) We recently reviewed your account, and we need more information to help us provide you with secure service. Until we can collect this information, your access to sensitive account features (like WHAT?) will be limited. We would like to restore your access as soon as possible, and we apologize for the inconvenience.
How can I restore my account access?
Please visit the Resolution Center (who knows where this would take you - I deleted the link) and complete the "Steps to Remove Limitations."
Completing all of the checklist items will automatically restore your account access.

Account Department. (not only is there a period, which doesn't belong there, it is capitalized...but account holder isn't. What a bunch of friggin idiots.)

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