Sunday, September 28, 2008

Dueling Remotes

So I was beginning to thing my remote was possessed...then I quickly came to the realization that someone in my building must have the same remote control. At random moments, the on-screen guide would come up and it would look as though someone was going through the guide, and then sometimes the channel would change. When I was watching a movie on playback (I have a PVR) it would stop the movie and go somewhere else. This morning it was particularly annoying, so I called Bell Expressvu and asked them WTF? Apparently the remotes have addresses, and someone must have bought one/moved in with one with the same address, as there are only 200 possible addresses. I told the voice on the other end of the line that I initially thought my remote was possessed, and laughed accordingly at the idea. Then he told me he gets calls all the time from people who think their remote is possessed. Seriously. One girl was in tears he said, near hysterical. What an we changed my remote address and here's to hoping the problem has been successfully dealt with.

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