Saturday, September 20, 2008

Efforts of the Day

The fabric came from a former roommate, C. She lives in BC now. She was travelling through Indonesia a some years ago and brought a piece of hand painted fabric back. It was just a scrap, not even a half a metre. She gave it to me when we were roomies in Cape Breton. I've dragged it from one end of the country to the other, and now up here, not really sure what I wanted to do with it. I wanted to pick the right project. I'd been planning the purse for some time, and hadn't done anything about it. Last night I marched off to Wal-Mart, fabric in hand for a contrasting color, and stronger than this fabric, to add to wear and tearability of my purse. $4.29 later, I had a metre of lime green drapery fabric. This morning I set about making the purse. With a few breaks in between to stop at Tim Horton's and a second run to Wal-Mart for a zipper, stopping by to see a few friends along the way. Now I have moved into the new purse. Just big enough to carry everything I like to have with me, and not too bulky that it needs it's own postal code. The strap is long enough to wear the purse cross-ways, so I don't have to keep pushing the strap back up my arm to my shoulder. For some reason, I do not appear to have any shoulders to hang a purse on. It probably has something to do with the fact that my big head that sits on my big neck takes up most of the space on top of my shoulders. The giant head/no neck issue is genetic, thanks to my dad's clan...

Moving on...the purse turned out pretty good, and I can't wait to head out with it. Who would have thought I would write a whole post on a purse...

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