Monday, September 01, 2008

Eat, Pray, Love, by Elizabeth Gilbert

Anyone who knows me, knows my views on God, prayer, relgion, etc. So when my good friend M. suggested I read this book, I was of course, skeptical. However, wishing to stretch my mind, and see what it was all about, I borrowed the book from her. She is part of a book club that meets regularly, and so knowing she has been doing some serious reading, I took her suggestion to heart. I didn't begin the book right away, as I had another one on the go, but I was still on vacation, so knew I would soon run out. I began the book as I began my journey back to the north.

I friggin' loved it. Absolutely, without a doubt, an awesome book. It might not be for everyone, and I can certainly see why, but for me, at this moment in time, it was the perfect book. It is about a woman who took a year off from her regular life, and travelled to three countries. Italy, where she learned Italian and discovered some of the best Italian cooking (Eat). She then went to stay at an ashram in India to learn how to meditate, pray, and improve her yoga (Pray). Her last stop was Indonesia, where she fell in love, and learned about balance in her life (Love).

The book was humorous, touching, and inspiring. Thanks M. for suggesting this book. And for a little taste of my favorite quotes from the book..."mosquitoes big enough to rape a chicken"; "time to trade that wishbone in for a backbone".

I highly recommend this book.

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