Monday, October 13, 2008

The Master Cleanse - Preparation

Yup. I'm gonna do it. I've thought about it for a few years, ever since I first met folks who did it. They crapped out early, just 3-4 days. My daughter started it yesterday and is doing well with it so far. Her roommate and a friend are also doing it with her, so I was inspired to finally try it myself. I am off red meat today, only liquids tomorrow and then on Wednesday I begin with the cleansing lemonade.

The ingredients are simple and I have modified it to suit my taste and availability of ingredients here in the north. I'll be taking senna laxative tablets at bedtime (instead of the tea - tea makes me gag), and taking the cayenne pepper in tablets instead of in the drink (the idea of that powder floating around in my lemonade makes me gag) and then the drink will be just maple syrup (the real stuff), water and fresh squeezed lemon juice. There is a salt water drink you are recommended to drink in the morning, however I don't know if I can do that...reminds me too much of all the times I nearly drowned in saltwater ocean...

The photo is not mine, but ripped off from someone else. I chuckled when I saw the baby wipes, but know why they are daughter informed me that her laxative tea worked VERY WELL today...and I was reading on one of the web boards that there may be a burning ring of fire as toxins exit the body...nice.

One also cannot have alcohol, pot, tobacco, or any other non-prescribed drugs during the cleanse either, so smokers will have a hard time with it. My daughter's roomie has already broken THAT part of the fast and puffed back 10 ciggies today.

They also do not recommend any strenuous physical activity during the fast, as you'll likely pass out. I don't think I'll have any difficulty there...heh heh.

So there you have it...I'll post as often as I can on my progress (though not so much on the bodily functions, thank you very much). I have visions of passing out downtown as I walk from one office to the other, at the feet of a crack addict...let's hope that doesn't happen...

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