Thursday, January 12, 2006

Thirteen Things about Jude

  1. I graduated the first year they introduced Grade 12 in Newfoundland (now Newfoundland and Labrador). My brother was a year behind me for so many years and then was able to graduate in grade 11...not fair!
  2. I was married for 14 LOOOOONNNNNNGGGGGG years. And divorced for over 5 glorious years.
  3. I have a chipped tooth from trying to upright a parking lot chain post. Stupid kid.
  4. I hope to someday live in a castle in Ireland. That would be my ultimate...and if there is an available prince somewhere to shag shack up with, even better.
  5. I have never seen cocaine in person. I have however, known too many people who abuse it.
  6. I used to stage little plays in my back yard on the picnic table and charge my friends to see it. What a cliche...
  7. It was my childhood friend, Gisele, who first taught me the F-word. I can even remember where we were...swinging on my dad's canvas hammocks.
  8. My sex talk with my mother consisted of a stack of booklets under my pillow. She came back a week later and asked me if I read them and told me there was a box in the closet for me.
  9. I once picked neighborhood flowers and then tried to sell them door to door. I was 3 and I remember it. I think I also tried to sell rocks I had found in the yard.
  10. My first computer was a Packard Bell 486 with Windows 3.1.
  11. My grandmother taught me to sew and bought me my first sewing machine from the Eaton's catalogue for my tenth birthday. I still sew all the time, thanks to my grandmother's inspiration, and I now have 3 sewing machines including the old hand crank one she taught me how to sew on.
  12. My first new bicycle was a blue one with a bananna seat and streamers on the handlebars. My father tried to get me on the old 8mm video cameras (without sound) and I couldn't get going on my own.
  13. I trashed my Toyota Camry on Friday the 13th, 2000. Tomorrow is another Friday 13th and this year I have a black cat that I adopted last year on Friday 13th of May.

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