Monday, August 28, 2006
Sunday, August 27, 2006
Black Sabbath Saves The Day
As I was getting ready for my trip to town today, I went rooting for a bandanna...anyone who knows me, knows that I have tons of them in all colors and styles. My oldest one is a plain black one with Black Sabbath printed all over it in white. It is also one of my favorites but I don't wear it to work, so look forward to sporting it outside of work...only I couldn't find it at the time, so put on a different one. This happened to be a wise decision as I found myself at the cardboard boat race that I soon found out was organized by the Latter Day was all Elder this, and Elder that...I stood out enough as it is, since everyone else seemed to know one another, but sporting a bandanna screaming Black Sabbath would have certainly been a topic of conversation among these folks...
Then I found myself in town tonight at the going away part of an gay fellow. He used to be support staff at the agency I work at and is moving to New Brunswick. I had heard there would be Karaoke, but thought it was only for the first part of the I'm not a fan of karoke in the best of times, but knowing I was driving home and limiting myself to 2 beers for the night, I was not near drunk enough (at all actually on the one beer I drank) to sit through queen after queen crooning out the oldies...although someone did pull off a great rendition of an Elton John song that I quite enjoyed, along with "It's Raining Men" in was actually the girls that got up and crashed their way through a song that finally drove me out.
So I was on my way home, and those who know me, know I am a little heavy on the pedal...and there was all this open road in front of me, not a camper in sight...but Black Sabbath came on the stereo, War Pigs - and knowing it was a long one and wanting to be driving for the entire song, I slowed to just around the speed limit. And in a spot where I usually am not behaving, the only other car on the road was the RCMP, going in the other direction. Black Sabbath likely saved me from a very costly ticket...thanks guys...
It was interesting to finally drive my car in the night for the first time and see how the dash lights up. With daylight most all night, I hadn't had the opportunity, but the days are quickly getting shorty and it is now dark and stars are out for several hours. The dash lights are groovy, with the entire stereo lighting up where it needs to be, such as a little bar of light on either side of the cd slot to guide you in, the eject is lit up, and there is even a ring of light around the cigarette lighter...not that I use it, but I do use the outlet.
now for some more Black Sabbath...
musings by
8/27/2006 12:28:00 a.m.
words of wisdom
Friday, August 25, 2006
Fridays Aren't Supposed To Suck
I normally love Fridays. They are the end of the work week, and the whole weekend stretches out before you, with the knowledge that Monday is still three days away, still out of sight.
Then I got out of bed.
I hung up on a client today, because he picked a fight with me, and I wasn't willing to give him the audience he was looking for with his rant. It had been documented enough already by 2 other provinces...anyhow...I never enjoy it when I am forced to get heavy with a client, so that set the mood for the day.
I had to call two call centres today, which is NEVER fun. Royal Bank was one of them, and those fucking voice activated menus drove me to the brink, so more expletives...too bad they don't recognize those...instead they mock you with "I'm sorry I didn't understand you, could you please repeat again"...arrrrrrrggggggghhhhhh! Dell was the other and surprisingly it went well. Real shocker. So my mood lifted again.
Then I got an letter back from an agency I applied for a job with stating that they do not currently have any openings. Dammit.
So I left work for an eye appointment. I wasn't going to take my car and walk instead, but someone came into my office and talked too long about a case, so I was late to leave and had to drive to the appointment, and pay for parking...the closest zone was only 1 hour with meter, so I filled the meter and then hurried into my appointment, where I was just barely on time at 3:30pm. They were dilating today, so I had to be on time, as it takes a while and I asked for the latest appt they could give. I paid for my appointment at 4:30pm. My parking ticket was printed at 4:32pm. I didn't know this when I first glanced at it and cursed a blue streak yet again today at that parking bastard who haunts me downtown, searching out my car. When I noticed the time on it later, I am sure he was in hearing distance from me, likely only a car or two over...GOOD. I hope he heard me today. Parking is outrageous in places. There is tons of spots, so everyone can easily find one, but you have to pay for them all and they are mostly time limited, meaning you have to watch the time instead of focus on why you are downtown. Like my eye appointment. I thought about going out to feed the meter, but I was having my damned eyes dilated, and was a little incapacitated at the time. Fucker. At least it was for just $10, instead of the damn $25 one from last week...
Driving home was interesting...definitely couldn't stare into any headlights or I was in danger of tripping out...I could still read signs easy enough and had no problem seeing enough to drive...although many would recommend waiting before driving I reckon. Anyhow, got stuck behind a huge truck today, one of those WIDE LOAD ones that creeps along at least 20kms under the speed least it wasn't a camper. They seem to be thinning out as the cold creeps in.
It was good to finally get home and be alone with the felines. Let the GOOD part of Friday begin...
musings by
8/25/2006 07:58:00 p.m.
words of wisdom
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
Hmmmm...something is amiss...
This is what happens when you light the stove and forget about the plant on top of poor senseless roommate accomplished this today. I glanced over at the plant and wondered what didn't look right...the plant is potless...apparently absentmindedness runs in the family...
musings by
8/23/2006 07:46:00 p.m.
words of wisdom
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
Hatching Good Television
I've begun watching a few new shows favorite has to be Matching, Hatching and Dispatching. Think of a outport Newfoundland version of Six Feet Under...damned hilarious, and of course Mary Walsh is front and center as the mistress of the mortuary...she's a hoot no matter where you put her...such as Parliament Hill, lmao...and Shaun Majunder is wicked with his strong outport dialect!!! eh, bye?
Another I've discovered after it was filmed here (some of it just down the road from me, apparently as I drove by each day this winter, oblivious...) is Northern Town, a story about a meteorite that landed somewhere in the Yukon and the locals begin searching for it to collect the reward money. Cool, huh?
And then there is a Showcase show, Weeds. It's about a widowed single mother who turns to selling marijuana to support her current lifestyle in snobby suburbia...kinda spoofy, but funny as hell!
musings by
8/22/2006 11:41:00 p.m.
words of wisdom
Saturday, August 19, 2006
Centipede Saga
Well, turns out those potted corn plants A. brought home from work are responsible for the centipede McGee came across...many folks have brought them back to the store because of the fact, a little toddler ate one and got really sick, having to get his stomach pumped due to the level of venom in a whole centipede. Nice. So the three huge corn plants are now outside, waiting to be dumped into the compost heap. We never use the compost because the ground isn't fit for gardening, and the squirrels take anything out of there we throw out except the wood ashes...maybe they will get stung by centipedes...heh heh...I know they won't last because when the temp drops this fall, they will all die of exposure. Let's hope this saga is over...
musings by
8/19/2006 08:20:00 a.m.
words of wisdom
The Barbecue That Wasn't
This is what happens when one forgets they are cooking on the barbecue...all night! I got up this morning and went out on the back step to see if it was raining because I had clothes to put out. I spot the dishes still on the BBQ and initially was going to blame A. again as she typically does leave some stuff out there when she cooks, and she cooked her steak last night a couple of hours before I was ready to eat mine. Then I take a closer look and see that the BBQ is still on, and actually, my steak is still on...from about 10 hours ago. FUCK.
So this is what a steak looks like when it is VERY WELL DONE and my poor Tupperware salt shaker that I've had for so many years is also history. FUCK. I loved that salt shaker...and I don't think my warranty covers idiotic acts like this.
So perhaps I need to set a timer next time...although there is the possibility we could be sitting around wondering why the timer is going off...sigh...
musings by
8/19/2006 08:14:00 a.m.
words of wisdom
Thursday, August 17, 2006
Picking Fights With The Locals
That would be McGee early this morning...we apparently had a resident centipede, and when McGee got just a little too stung him on the lip. The centipede later drowned (in the toiletbowl) so won't be stinging anyone in the I read they are beneficial to homes in clearing up your insect population...
all I can say is ick...
musings by
8/17/2006 07:27:00 a.m.
1 words of wisdom
Sunday, August 13, 2006
He likes to hang out on the stairs, looking down into the kitchen. The other photo is of Heckle Hill, and this was it the other morning, with a strange stripe of cloud/mist. A. is determined to climb it someday...
musings by
8/13/2006 05:27:00 p.m.
words of wisdom
Saturday, August 12, 2006
Saturday Sludge
appealing huh? About as much as the weather here today...grey and overcast, with rain as a threat and only 10C (50F) but I was determined to find something positive about the day...too much negativity around a person can make your whole outlook dreary. So off I went outside and listened - squirrels, birds and peace and quiet. Not a breath of wind, no traffic sounds, and 10C was not unpleasant. I think I might even move this show outside...too cold for mosquitoes maybe? We will have to wait and see. It is chilly out here, but I have a thick sweater on, and a small quilt over my skirt. And lets not forget the freshest of air.
The squirrels and birds have been providing a great deal of entertainment for the kitties. Yesterday McGee was sitting in the window, watching the birds out in the yard when one smacked into the window, directly in front of him! A. said he jumped a foot or more, and flew backwards, it tripped him out big time, lmao. And there was the video camera right beside her...darnit!
A. is at work again...lots of early shifts this week, often 7am (yawn...) so of course when she is up, I am awake. I didn't hear too much this morning, and when that happens, I wonder if she has gotten out of bed yet, perhaps sleeping in. So I call out, and that wakes everyone up (the cats). So then it gets noisy, whether she did actually sleep in or not. Today I managed to get back to sleep for a weirdo dream about living in my parents house again. I don't think I've ever had that dream before.
The weekend stretches out in front of me, and I have but a few goals - to get in a hike somewhere, and a paddle in my kayak. Other than that, think solitude (as much as one can get in a cabin in the woods, sharing it with 3 cats, a tank of fish and my daughter). I have all that I need out here, so I'm all set. The one kink is that our satellite dish is on the fritz and because you all know how much I LOVE calling those fucking call centres for might just hve to be for a while. Ugh. I will probably call them later today. There has been some problems with it since I moved in, and I called them enough about that already, and dread the thought of calling them yet again. I want a technician out here, dammit and my dad is too far away!
I got an interview for a job in northern BC, but for quite a bit less money, however more than I made on the east coast. I'll do the interview, and see how it goes. Nice to have options. I am waiting to hear from the other places. Sometimes it can take a while.
Ok, now I hear an airplane, sounds like a small one (not Air North). Regulations are getting strict onboard toothpastelike substances because it might be liquid explosives. I can see where we're going with this. Soon we won't even get to drink onboard...time to get my own pilot license...
I to go bedhunting today...roomie is tired of sleeping on an air has only been over 3 months...I can't imagine why? Just kidding A. I will make a good effort to secure you a bed today.
While out filling the birdfeeders today (for the squirrels too) I saw this creature...ick. Thankfully he stayed put. Gives me the heebie jeebies...(wait for photo...damn blogger is acting up again today..arrrrrgggghhhh)
musings by
8/12/2006 09:09:00 a.m.
words of wisdom
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
East Coast Connection
Well, I am impressed...I have been lucky enough to connect with four of my friends from back east this week so far...with the time difference between us, they are often in bed by the time I get home and settled in enough to make calls, and all of us are often busy on weekends. G. is still tormenting me about renting a camper to drive here in from Edmonton. I had three in front of me on the way to work today, driving at about 45km/hr most of the way. sigh...
G. and I were talking about how the days are already noticably cooler and shorter. We almost get black night now, I can see the evening star at least. I still wear my sleep mask though as the sunrise is early enough to wake me up (I don't have any curtains in the house, just two blinds in my sleeping space, but I am in a loft open to the rest of the house). I will be glad to shed it though and sleep with naked eyes...
I've been less homesick has been raining for days(I moved here from the east coast) For an arid region, things are getting soggy this month so far. I want SUN! It doesn't need to be hot, just some sunny days to sit out in the above zero temperatures before the frost sets in again. I've been told that snow on Labour Day weekend is not unusal, particularly on the mountain tops. I'll be sure to take photos.
And that is all I have to say about that.
musings by
8/08/2006 09:26:00 p.m.
words of wisdom
Monday, August 07, 2006
Monday Got Me
I had a case of the mondays today. It didn't help that A. had to work at 7am, so was up at 5:30am and of course, when she is up, I am up, being as there are no walls to speak of in this cabin, but for the bathroom and closet. Open concept is fucking hell fun. T'was the hairdryer that did it, as it screamed below then I couldn't get back to sleep, until of course, about 10 minutes before my alarm went off for me. So much for that. I might just as well have gotten up and gone into work. Then I would be home earlier that I already am...I had some flex time, so that helped with the mondays...I got home at 3:00pm, which is always nice. It's chilly though at just 11C outdoors again, wet and rainy.
So here I sit, with a case of the mondays, but glad to be alive and at home with the kitties. And lucky for McGee, who was locked in the bathroom by accident sometime today after I left. He and Stormy might have been carrying on like they usually do (like psychotic baboons) and the door ended up closed with him on the inside. At least he had a supply of fresh water...yup, he's a toilet bowl drinker. My two cats don't do it, but I have had others in the past that have...including video of 3 on the seat at the same time, ducking their heads in and out.
I bought some neon tetras this weekend for my tank, along with a betta and a bottom feeder. Four went into the tank...I saw one struggling on Friday night when I first put them in, and he was gone by Saturday, and this morning there are only two...hmmmm...I should check now if there are any. Phew...there are still two. Good thing tetras are cheap here.
oh, and just a note...I found out on Friday that my term is not being renewed due to budget cut of 2 positions (and mine was a new one) so now I am on the hunt for a new job, locally if possible, but I am not counting too much on that at this point, so have to prepare for the possibility of leaving and have begun applying for jobs out of the territory, such as northern BC, northern Alberta, and NWT for now. So there you go, I might not be in this cozy cabin come Christmas this year...
Whether or not I move, I still have to think about getting some wood to burn, as I don't have much left and the cold will be soon upon us once again. I do have an oil monitor heater which works very well, but I do love the stove too and want a few more cozy fires before I have to leave (if, let's say IF). I think I'll wait until the rains have gone away seems to rain often here, weird.
and of course, like any day here, I was stuck behind a camper both to and from work today...sigh. My friend G. tried to convince me she was coming up north in a camper this fall, just to see me, and drive in front of me, slowly, taking pictures, and parking at Wal-mart. Thanks for the laugh G. She is like that, will try to string you along with her prose, only to slip and begin to laugh...I remember the first time she did that to me, years ago...I love it now though when she does it to others as I can tell when she's spinning a good one...I can't do that, my face gives it away right off, I'm not the actress miss Mathilda is, lol...
and now Blogger won't post an photos...what a Monday.
musings by
8/07/2006 03:32:00 p.m.
words of wisdom
Saturday, August 05, 2006
Where In The HELL Have You Been
um...sorry folks...been busy and feeling uninspired of late...and tired of posting about the silly cats...for now anyhow.
I am job hunting again, as my term is up in November and not being renewed due to budget cuts (WHATEVER) so I am shooting off resumes everywhere now...the sky is the limit!
Wouldn't it be interesting to simply have YTG move me back east and I took a year off and lived in my house in NL for the I mad? Stay tuned...
musings by
8/05/2006 01:51:00 p.m.
words of wisdom