Monday, August 07, 2006

Monday Got Me

I had a case of the mondays today. It didn't help that A. had to work at 7am, so was up at 5:30am and of course, when she is up, I am up, being as there are no walls to speak of in this cabin, but for the bathroom and closet. Open concept is fucking hell fun. T'was the hairdryer that did it, as it screamed below then I couldn't get back to sleep, until of course, about 10 minutes before my alarm went off for me. So much for that. I might just as well have gotten up and gone into work. Then I would be home earlier that I already am...I had some flex time, so that helped with the mondays...I got home at 3:00pm, which is always nice. It's chilly though at just 11C outdoors again, wet and rainy.

So here I sit, with a case of the mondays, but glad to be alive and at home with the kitties. And lucky for McGee, who was locked in the bathroom by accident sometime today after I left. He and Stormy might have been carrying on like they usually do (like psychotic baboons) and the door ended up closed with him on the inside. At least he had a supply of fresh water...yup, he's a toilet bowl drinker. My two cats don't do it, but I have had others in the past that have...including video of 3 on the seat at the same time, ducking their heads in and out.

I bought some neon tetras this weekend for my tank, along with a betta and a bottom feeder. Four went into the tank...I saw one struggling on Friday night when I first put them in, and he was gone by Saturday, and this morning there are only two...hmmmm...I should check now if there are any. Phew...there are still two. Good thing tetras are cheap here.

oh, and just a note...I found out on Friday that my term is not being renewed due to budget cut of 2 positions (and mine was a new one) so now I am on the hunt for a new job, locally if possible, but I am not counting too much on that at this point, so have to prepare for the possibility of leaving and have begun applying for jobs out of the territory, such as northern BC, northern Alberta, and NWT for now. So there you go, I might not be in this cozy cabin come Christmas this year...

Whether or not I move, I still have to think about getting some wood to burn, as I don't have much left and the cold will be soon upon us once again. I do have an oil monitor heater which works very well, but I do love the stove too and want a few more cozy fires before I have to leave (if, let's say IF). I think I'll wait until the rains have gone away seems to rain often here, weird.

and of course, like any day here, I was stuck behind a camper both to and from work today...sigh. My friend G. tried to convince me she was coming up north in a camper this fall, just to see me, and drive in front of me, slowly, taking pictures, and parking at Wal-mart. Thanks for the laugh G. She is like that, will try to string you along with her prose, only to slip and begin to laugh...I remember the first time she did that to me, years ago...I love it now though when she does it to others as I can tell when she's spinning a good one...I can't do that, my face gives it away right off, I'm not the actress miss Mathilda is, lol...

and now Blogger won't post an photos...what a Monday.

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