Saturday, August 12, 2006

Saturday Sludge

appealing huh? About as much as the weather here today...grey and overcast, with rain as a threat and only 10C (50F) but I was determined to find something positive about the day...too much negativity around a person can make your whole outlook dreary. So off I went outside and listened - squirrels, birds and peace and quiet. Not a breath of wind, no traffic sounds, and 10C was not unpleasant. I think I might even move this show outside...too cold for mosquitoes maybe? We will have to wait and see. It is chilly out here, but I have a thick sweater on, and a small quilt over my skirt. And lets not forget the freshest of air.

The squirrels and birds have been providing a great deal of entertainment for the kitties. Yesterday McGee was sitting in the window, watching the birds out in the yard when one smacked into the window, directly in front of him! A. said he jumped a foot or more, and flew backwards, it tripped him out big time, lmao. And there was the video camera right beside her...darnit!

A. is at work again...lots of early shifts this week, often 7am (yawn...) so of course when she is up, I am awake. I didn't hear too much this morning, and when that happens, I wonder if she has gotten out of bed yet, perhaps sleeping in. So I call out, and that wakes everyone up (the cats). So then it gets noisy, whether she did actually sleep in or not. Today I managed to get back to sleep for a weirdo dream about living in my parents house again. I don't think I've ever had that dream before.

The weekend stretches out in front of me, and I have but a few goals - to get in a hike somewhere, and a paddle in my kayak. Other than that, think solitude (as much as one can get in a cabin in the woods, sharing it with 3 cats, a tank of fish and my daughter). I have all that I need out here, so I'm all set. The one kink is that our satellite dish is on the fritz and because you all know how much I LOVE calling those fucking call centres for might just hve to be for a while. Ugh. I will probably call them later today. There has been some problems with it since I moved in, and I called them enough about that already, and dread the thought of calling them yet again. I want a technician out here, dammit and my dad is too far away!

I got an interview for a job in northern BC, but for quite a bit less money, however more than I made on the east coast. I'll do the interview, and see how it goes. Nice to have options. I am waiting to hear from the other places. Sometimes it can take a while.

Ok, now I hear an airplane, sounds like a small one (not Air North). Regulations are getting strict onboard toothpastelike substances because it might be liquid explosives. I can see where we're going with this. Soon we won't even get to drink onboard...time to get my own pilot license...

I to go bedhunting today...roomie is tired of sleeping on an air has only been over 3 months...I can't imagine why? Just kidding A. I will make a good effort to secure you a bed today.

While out filling the birdfeeders today (for the squirrels too) I saw this creature...ick. Thankfully he stayed put. Gives me the heebie jeebies...(wait for photo...damn blogger is acting up again today..arrrrrgggghhhh)

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