Saturday, August 19, 2006

The Barbecue That Wasn't

This is what happens when one forgets they are cooking on the barbecue...all night! I got up this morning and went out on the back step to see if it was raining because I had clothes to put out. I spot the dishes still on the BBQ and initially was going to blame A. again as she typically does leave some stuff out there when she cooks, and she cooked her steak last night a couple of hours before I was ready to eat mine. Then I take a closer look and see that the BBQ is still on, and actually, my steak is still on...from about 10 hours ago. FUCK.

So this is what a steak looks like when it is VERY WELL DONE and my poor Tupperware salt shaker that I've had for so many years is also history. FUCK. I loved that salt shaker...and I don't think my warranty covers idiotic acts like this.

So perhaps I need to set a timer next time...although there is the possibility we could be sitting around wondering why the timer is going off...sigh...

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