Monday, May 08, 2006

I Feel Like Such A Tool

Well, I was close to accusing the movers of stealing my scanner...I sold my old computer to a former co-worker and was positive I hadn't thrown in the scanner because I knew I wanted to use it to scan all my old photos, but yet when I got her, I couldn't find it. And my cabin isn't that big, so I couldn't figure out what in the HELL happened to it. I searched high and low, and no scanner, so was coming to the conclusion that the movers must have stolen or lost it...after all, where else could it be?

And then I looked into my grandfather's old black trunk...and lo and behold, there was my scanner...I hadn't looked in there because it was empty when it was at my house, save for a few papers and things I brought from Grand Bruit and I knew that I hadn't put it in there...apparently the movers decided to put it in there. I feel like such a tool...thankfully I hadn't called them to accuse...then I would have really made an ass of myself.

At least those fucking boxes are all gone now, thanks to my friend J. and her husband J. who came yesterday while I was out and dragged them all off to the dump for me. There was about 8 left, big ones, including a wardrobe...all filled with ice, snow and packing paper...(which was why I couldn't take them to the dump in my Echo...J has a truck).

and the resident teen has a job, beginning tomorrow afternoon at a farm...go figure! It is local, and she can walk/bike there, and something completely different from anything she has done before, so great place to start when you're looking for change in your life!

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