Tuesday, July 25, 2006

These Are The Days Of Our Lives

aka As The Stomach Turns...whatever. In any event, lest y'all think A. and I are fighting constantly, we're not. She even apologized for her behaviour on Sunday, as I knew she would. We may disagree with one another, but never hold any real grudges and usually get over things quite quickly. That's my gal!

bad news delivered yesterday. My sis' FIL was out fishing yesterday and suffered what they think was a massive heart attack and died immediately after. Such a sudden shock and I feel for the family as he was a very much loved man, who made an impact on the lives of others. I have a sign at the end of my driveway that he painted, as well as one at my door. Along with talented sign painter, G. was also an avid fisherman, and died while pursuing his passion, fly fishing. As much as a shock it was to hear about, we are all taking comfort in that he died as he wished for...fast, painless and while fishing. I can only hope for the same end (though not anytime soon).

I mailed off the first of my VHS movies today that I sold on eBay. Since buying a DVD recorder and tackling the task of backing up my collection, I have been trying to unload them. Some will go in a yard sale, while others I am hoping to sell as lots on eBay. I can sure use the space left behind by my emptying shelves...all of my DVD movies will fit into a binder.

Mr Bear has not returned, so I am hoping that he moved on, after realizing there isn't much to nibble on here anymore. I have thrice heard that hooves in the driveway though and didn't catch what it was again last night.

I am still loving my new car, and need some replacement bumper stickers...though I do have three on there now - I survived the Top Of The World Highway, Chicken Alaska; I survived the ferry at Dawson City; and Fat People Are Harder To Kidnap...got to give those tailgaters something to read...not to mention the scroungers in the parking lots, looking for spare change and offering to take back your cart for the dollar coin you deposited for it...

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