Wednesday, April 11, 2007

The Disappearing Art of Letter Writing

As I attempted to handwrite a letter to my parents today, I realized the sad truth. Computers have spoiled me, and ruined my handwriting. I could not believe the hen scratch that came out of my hand. One would think I was writing with my toes...

Then I opened a waylaid Christmas card today that was in a parcel of old mail from my daughter (apparently, sending mail on was not a high priority for her) and in this card from my aunt and uncle was a hand written note, as usual, except this year, her handwriting is quite wobbly due to arthritis...but dammit, she wrote to me anyhow, so that's commendable.

The problem is, now I want to handwrite a note to her and my writing is atrocious...I need to practice...bring on the looseleaf. Before you know it I'll be making lists like my sister ALWAYS did (and probably still does) just to practice my handwriting. It wasn't as bad when I was in university because I had to handwrite all my exams...and if I expected to pass, it had to be legible...

off I go to practice my handwriting...

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