Monday, April 02, 2007

Vision Update

Well, it has been nearly 5 weeks since my laser surgery and I believe my vision is about 20/20. I still have some haze, and dry eyes, but overall, it looks like the surgery was a success. I am back to doing most of the activities I did before, though I do still spend considerably less time on the net. Haven't played many games online, that's for sure. The light sensitivity is not as bad as it was in the beginning (which was AWFUL) but it annoys me after a bit. I have a screen on my monitor at work, so have found that to be a great relief. Now I have to figure out what to do about my laptop screen. Or do I...I've been spending more time reading since my eye electronic screens bother my eyes if I watch them too long (tv or computer). I have enjoyed my return to reading novels. I'd been lax over the past several months...laziness I suppose, as there is no shortage of interesting novels out there, as well as on my own shelves. I often have about a dozen or so books I haven't read yet, since I am constantly buying them, or having them loaned to me. I'm reading a loaner one this week. I can read anytime during the day with no real issue, (other than me snoozing off, lol) but my habitual time to read was in bed at night, but that has turned out to be the least comfortable time for me to read, and I often just can't as my eyes won't cooperate. I am really hoping that part goes away, but I have no doubt that it will, since most other symptoms have been steadily fading.

I had initially feared an undercorrection, which the surgeon warned me about, and with my left eye taking so long to heal up, I figured he was right. But now my left and right eyes seem to be even, though I won't know for sure until my next and final checkup in a few weeks. At least I hope it is my last checkup...

To be honest (and I would have thought otherwise) I don't tend to think about my eyes much anymore, which is quite interesting. As long as I can see the basics, and get through my day without inconvenience, then I am not likely to think of them. Lest you think me ungrateful though, I am increasingly thankful for my eyesight. I was worried (and still am to some degree) that my vision won't be as good as it was when corrected with lenses. While I was miserable with lenses (grit, dryness, duration of wearability, loss, damage, etc) and glasses (too heavy on my nose, slipping down all the time when working up a sweat, fear of loss, limited side vision, etc) I wasn't looking to trade in those annoyances for something new. Or to require a bottle of artificial tears in every room (I rarely have pockets and things that do find there way in usually suffer a ill fated end in the washing machine) coat pocket, and purse.

So there you have it. I am returning to my bed to read for a bit, and then watch more of Stephen King's The Stand on's been a sick day from work, so I am actually resting.

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