Monday, May 21, 2007

Spring Gardening Session

Well, the rain stopped last night and today the sun finally came out and burned off much of the fog. I'd swear I was down east again by the state of fog here this morning! However, it eventually cleared, the sun came out, and I was off to the beach to get some sand for my planters. Soil is too expensive to fill them completely, and I need the weight to keep them from blowing away, as the summers promise to be dry. Sand will also hold the moisture better. First trip to the beach I filled my window boxes (although they are on the railing) and got a bucket full. Lacking more buckets, I dragged a sterilite container (cheap rubbermaid) and filled that half full, only to discover that wet sand is god damn heavy and I couldn't lift it. So I dragged it up to the car and then busted it up trying to lift it into the shit.

I wisened up when I got home...I was not dragging that thing out of my scooped the sand out from where it was until I could lift it out again and chucked the broken tub on the ground. The planters are all done for the most part...need to find my seeds and to pick up a few more plants in Hay River later this week. I just hope frost doesn't claim it...might cover things in plastic for a week or so at night...

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