Thursday, November 10, 2005

The Farewell Speech

Just in case I lose it, I thought I might post it here, and share as well. This was delivered by the executive director of my current agency yesterday at lunch. The only edit was to my name, which I replaced with "dreama" as the rest of you know me by, and the name of my agency.

Well Dreama, it’s time to say a few words, and unfortunately for you all, it falls to me to say them.
So, on this important occasion, I’ll begin Dreama. It was just over three years and three months ago (July 29, 2002) that you walked into our agency and our lives, you walked in like you had always been there.

You found your way very quickly. I sort of suspected you would because I recall a video conference job interview where there appeared on the screen an imposing lady with some vivid color in her hair. I don’t really recall any longer what color, but it was something really vivid. Being the conservative sort that I am, I was swept away, and it was immediately obvious to me that anyone who could show up that way for a job interview could probably tackle anything, or be capable of anything. And, you’ve proven that point here time and again. No question.

So, you’re leaving Dreama, and we all want you to know that you will be missed.

How can we replace such COLOR, such VA VA Voom? There’s just no way. No way Dreama.
So, what will we be losing? Well:

Your strong work ethic and thorough approach to your work has always been valued, and even when you obsessed Dreama, we all knew (or at least hoped) it must have been for a good reason.

• You conscientious approach brought closure to many issues and many files, and

• opened up many matters that needed examination, and

• brought forward protection for many children, and more ordered lives for many families.

• Dreama, you got it done.

• Your empathy for, and work with adolescents, was noted to be a sure strength.

• You kept us on task, and made sure we attended to the things needing attention.

• You have a lot of style, and a unique style. You’re Flashy Dreama: The chrome of a 58 Buick

• A great a way of processing things through your life experience and your common sense.

• You never flinched when you had to stand against strong dysfunctional entrenchments.

• You made a “social” contribution here as well as a “work” one. You played well on the team, and you sang your truth for all to hear! .

Go well Dreama. Keep in touch, Good luck in the Great Cold North, and think (name of agency) first when you think of coming South again. Cheers to you Dreama.

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