Friday, November 25, 2005

That DAMN Feral Cat

Stormy scared the shit out of me the pre-dawn hours, I heard this growling, thinking he must have cornered Via or something...oh no, psycho cat had a fake mouse in his mouth (you know the kind, covered in rabbit fur) and was snarling and growling at anyone who came near him. I tried to take it from him and got shredded for my efforts, so then I thought I would try to distract him with another fake mouse...he picked up both in his mouth and snarled at me. The only other time I had seen him do that was when he caught the mouse at A. and R.'s earlier this month...a real mouse, and I could understand it then. So why so feral? I have no idea.

So I went back to bed, deciding to leave him do his thing, but then he jumped on the bed and scratched me! So I decided then to bar him in the bathroom for a time out until he settled down, but how to catch this psycho? I finally cornered him and threw a towel over him, flung the growling mass into the bathroom and slammed the door. I left him in for 15 minutes and when I didn't hear the growling anymore, opened the door, cautiously and out he sauntered, purring like nothing happened. PSYCHO I tell ya. So I picked him up and he was his old self again. WTF? I took the mice then and packed them away for now...

now I must lick my wounds...

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