Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Living Lavida Limbo

Well, its official, I have moved out of my house. The felines and I are bunking in with my friends. Stormy has come down a few pegs...heh heh...the puppy is delighted that he has come to visit. Via sits on the back of the sofa, taking it all in, glad that Stormy has given her a rest for a change. I hope it teaches him a few lessons...

It was hard work, but I got moved out and cleaned up and boy was I exhausted when I got to my friend's house last night. Much better shape today, but still somewhat tired.

got some news about my bloodwork...no surgery required...YAYYYYYYY!

I have only 8 days of work left. THANK FUCK.

My coatrack is missing from my office...I wonder where it went...

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