Saturday, May 26, 2007

The Charity of Newfies

I just finished reading this story and simply had to share. I've long known first hand the charity of Newfies/Newfoundlanders, having spent more than 20 years on the rock. My dad is a Newfie, my ex-husband is one, and I gave birth to one, so I was surrounded by them, particularly while living in a tiny outport for 12 years. They literally will give you the shirt off their back if you're down and out. It is not unsusual to arrive home from being away and find that someone has made you bread or sweets, or a meal. Donation rates are generally high, despite tough economic conditions. And as far as I know, Newfies have always been this way - generous at heart. And then I read that story and tears came to my eyes...I recall some of the older folks saying "there's always someone worse off than you" in reference to why it is so important to be generous.

Kudos to the Newfoundlanders!

1 comment:

Big Hoser said...

It's fun reading that with a Newfie accent. My wife's best friend's husband is a Newfie and his voice rang out true and clear while reading this. :)

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