Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Coincidence??? Or film inspiration...

Well, it has been an interesting daughter was to come out and pick me up and we were driving to a friend/co-worker's place to check out the housesitting situation she was taking on for the long weekend. My friend and his wife are caretakers of a former religious centre, so there is a huge hall, circular meeting room, sleeping quarters and an attached residence. While I was waiting for A. to pick me up on the way, I was flipping through the channels and came across Jack caretaking the resort hotel in The Shining and didn't think much of it until she arrived and we got out to the centre and had a chuckle there with my friend about how his situation reminded me of the movie....and then we're in the furnace room during the grand tour and A. comments on the huge size of the furnace, that it was big enough to stuff a body in...which was also a chuckle moment. I had suggested to A. on the drive out that she make her own horror movie in such a cool location, heh anyhow, movie coincidence #1, laughed it off.

After the tour we were sitting around chatting about the quad he has access to on the property and how he has been out reconnoitering, and thinks he came upon a local grow op on one of his drives (who the hell knows how far away he was, so knowing where the centre is won't help much if you're looking for the grow op, lol). And we got a chuckle over that so I suggested he should stay away from it, and asked him if he had seen the movie The Beach and we all had a guffaw over that as well. Then I got home and I'm surfing the dish for something to watch and of course...The Beach was on...


Incidentally, the first time I ever saw The Beach was on a rainy stormy day while backpacking through Ireland. I was in Cork, it was a Sunday, and most places of interest were shut down, and I had been travelling for about a 2 weeks by that point, so was ready to take a day off and chill at the hostel. I wasn't the only one with this idea, so we sat about in the front parlour of this grubby little hostel, and watched a bunch of movies in the dusky afternoon, swapping stories and commentaries. There was about 5 of us and we were all from different countries, but luckily could all speak English, and so enjoyed the movies. The reason I remember The Beach was I recall how interesting it was to be sitting among a group of fellow backpackers, watching a movie about a group of fellow backpackers.

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