Sunday, January 11, 2004

driving in the snow is never really fun. driving in the snow in the dark is never really fun. driving in the snow at 1:00am is definitely not fun. such was my night last night. the day began when the resident teen wanted to go to a movie in Sydney. Fine says I, but you will have to go to the early one, as you can't drive after midnight (graduated license). Problem - she worked until 7pm and Sydney is 1.5 hours away. Ok, so I make the plan to go down with my friends earlier in the day, meet the resident teen at the movie theatre after the movie. That part all worked out...then came the drive home.

and we all know how much I hate snow. It was clear driving down, and was clear for the first 20 minutes...then the blinding snowstorm came and I felt like I was driving across the antarctic. No other cars, no plows, no sand/salt trucks, no police, no tracks in the snow...not even deer!!! I was in no-mans land, for sure. What in the hell was I doing in the middle of it with no snow tires on. Yes, you hear right, no snow tires. Well, we haven't gotten much snow thus far this winter, so I was waiting to see how it goes, in case it turns out to be one of those really weird winters where you never really get any.

so I am driving through the blinding snow at about 60-70kms/hr. I don't know where in the hell the lines on the road are and it doesn't really matter much as I am the ONLY one out for most of the trip. The odd truck passed me going the other way, leaving me in a whiteout of flying snow. And it is COLD. I thought I was never going to get home, and each turn I rounded brought a new level of fear as I envisioned my car hurtling through space and snow into the nearest lake. Most of the drive brought me alongside the Bras D'Or Lakes or some such body of water.

and then I get 5 minutes from my house and there isn't a flake in the sky, nor much on the ground. What in the HELL is THAT all about? revenge on my whining about the snow I reckon.

So we get home at ten to two in the morning...YAWN...I don't think another late movie will be in order for some time now. But at least the one I saw was good...Mona Lisa Smile...worth the trip down...not so sure about the trip back...

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