Friday, January 30, 2004

well, another day, another snowfall. I'm heading to Cheticamp today, lets see how much snow they have. Could prove to be interesting if it gets snowy...I still haven't bought my snow tires yet...I was waiting to see how the winter went....

My child is sleeping in this morning...the first of many such mornings as she has completed high school. How did this happen? my stomach flutters at the thoughts of her leaving home, as finishing high school brings her this much closer to that step. I hear her telling her father, friends and other relatives about moving out and I want to throw up. Most parents look forward to the empty nest as their time to get out and spend time with each other, however, as a single parent, it just means I will be alone. I know I can't keep her at home to keep me company (really, I can't???) but it would be nice to drag it out for one more year. I enjoy having her with me so much (really, I do!!!) that I will surely miss her smiling face in the mornings...other things I will miss about having my darling teenager at home with me:

- bedside chats late at night about anything and everything
- hearing "what's for supper" as I walk through the door after a long day at work
- feeling her arms snake up around my neck as she seeks comfort after a particularly bad day
- tripping over mounds of clothing that has been cast aside as she walks through the house...a coat here, a scarf there, a pair of mittens over there, six pairs of socks at the end of the couch...
- hearing that laugh as we sit and watch episode after episode of Will and Grace
- the running commentary on my appearance - "you're not gonna wear that out today are you?" or "aren't you gonna get dressed, you dirty old thing?"

many more...have to run now...will complete later...

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