Friday, January 16, 2004

so the temp is going up SLOWLY and the snow is not as bad as it might have been...but still a blizzard warning for tonight...good night to curl up in the living room in front of the television...oh wait...mine nearly blew up the other day. The resident teenager came home, turned it on and a high pitched SCREAM came from it, the picture was squiggly, then squished together and went altogether. And that was the end of THAT. Good thing its under warranty...bad thing the repair shop is 45 minutes away and we are in the middle of a blizzard these past two days. I am hoping to get it over on Monday. THANKFULLY I have two other littler tvs, and of course, I could always READ.

And guess who was dutifully out there shovelling me out again this morning...I tell ya...I am gonna be spoiled...what if she breaks up with the b/f???

So the weekend stretches long ahead of me...I am on call, so won't get up to much. Perhaps a bit of much needed housework....HAR HAR HAR.

or I could just move the vcr into the bedroom with the little tv and camp out there for the weekend...

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