Tuesday, January 20, 2004

it is snowing again. is it June yet? I know I live in Canada, and better yet, in Eastern Canada, but does it have to snow every friggin day...its like all the nice days we had in December, the snow was saved up for this month and they are trying to cram it in. Who are "they"? I want to have a word...or two.

But I have a Brad, so I should be ok. Snow from last night and today is gone from my driveway and walk...what do I REALLY have to complain about. Except that I have to drive in it for work...and my car is filthy with salt and sludge...and I fear I will have an accident soon if I don't get some winter tires on that sucker. Honestly, its all about the clothes though...I hate wearing winter clothes...its soo bulky! I like wearing my jean jacket and thats it. But I will wear my Columbia winter jacket, and forgo the jean jacket for now, but don't ask me to give up my sneakers...I don't even own a pair of boots.

Oh, and the wind has started up again, so now I don't hear the trucks as much.

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