Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Damn My Honesty

As I mentioned last week, I bought a new laptop from Dell. And I got a bunch of mail from them, first my contract, then my invoices for both my computer and my printer. Then I got another invoice today for a different computer, addressed to someone totally different, but at my mailing address. Its paid for, and the way it has worked in the past when I bought a new Dell, twice before, I got the invoice a day before delivery. So I was left to wonder if the computer on the invoice would also show up here. Wouldn't that be nice? And it was a more expensive computer than mine, higher end. So I called Dell. They have this guy, James down as living at my address and with my phone numbers. They asked me why would James do this, give out my address and phone numbers as his own. Um. I don't think so. I think the mistake is yours, poncho. I think when I ordered my computer, my information was not cleared in some way from the system and then they took the next order, which was for our friend James. I mean seriously, how would someone get both my unlisted home number AND my blocked government desk number AND my house number all together. And then why would they proceed to order a computer and have it sent here. I think he thought I was hiding James here somewhere. Anyhow. Now I realize I probably could have just let things happen, take the new computer and sell it immediately. I'm moving in two months, they might never find out what happened to it...heh heh...

but dammit, I'm too honest.

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