Friday, September 16, 2005

Semi-Lucid Thoughts on a Friday

Semi-Lucid Thoughts on a Friday

Well, its my day off, gotta be glad about that. I went into town today to pick up a few things, including my freshly neutered kitty, poor thing. He tried to jump up on the end table and fell back down…apparently has some soreness “there”. Awww…so I moved his basket off my desk to the floor for now and he is curled up there now, at my feet. The look of utter bewilderment and then disgust on his face as he failed to make the jump was hilarious so pathetic…I am curious to see if it alters his personality any over the coming weeks.

I had to have blinders on going into town because I didn’t want to see any clients that might cause me concern…the problem solving department is closed for the weekend, so I am OUT until Monday. My mother was seeking help today with her camera, but I had to tell her the same thing. I can’t deal with anyone else’s problems right now piss off please don’t ask, I won't be of any help anyhow…sigh.

in other news, I did buy a new corduroy purse that I am crazy about. How’s that for excitement. We also have a hurricane headed our way, so will be hiding out here in the boonies, drunk watching television and reorganizing my crap for the move.

and how cool was the CSI episode last night, season finale directed by Quentin Tarantino...he really likes to push viewers to the edge, to see what they can take. It was very well directed...way to go Q.

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