Monday, September 26, 2005

Those Were The Days

Well, not too long ago the thought of company coming for a few days would have sent me into a cleaning frenzy and baking spree. The fridge would be stocked, and everthing would be 'just so'. Tomorrow my parents and my sister's in-laws arrive for a few days and I have done none of those things. What has become of me? Heh heh. I don't feel like impressing anyone any more I guess. My house is a little untidy, so what. I live alone and am the only one I have to answer to. (When did that happen???) I like baking but eat too much of it as it is, so haven't baked in eons. stocked, I hardly ever cook anymore, let alone shop for groceries. Oh how the times have changed. Do I like the new, more relaxed person I am becoming? (hold the chuckles, I am not the same at home that I am at work, M. and you know it.) You should have seen me before, when I lived in Newfoundland. A little high strung, you might say. I have mellowed a fair bit over the past years, particularly since I began living on my own.

So, there will be no 3 course meal tomorrow night, nor sparkling commode, but they will have a clean bed to sleep in. What else could they need?

I am looking forward to some company for a few days though...with M. gone for the week, the nights will be dull! Hope you're having fun in the city, M.


Anonymous said...

the city is having fun, i'm along for the ride. had some sushi tonight, a rarity since moving to the boonies. see ya on friday, thanks again for holdin' down the fort.

Dreama said...

np, laptop is acting weird again...I think I may have to send it back...arrrrgggghhhhh...enjoy the city...I am here with old people who are talking about bowel movements and false teeth...sigh.

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