Thursday, December 29, 2005

Slothful Days

I've been off work since last Friday and don't go back until Tuesday. The 10 days of sloth are well under way. I had hoped to go out exploring a bit since I was off all week...I got about 25 km from my home so far...which is basically nowhere! I've watched a sinful amount of television...not too much on the dish though, more of my own collection than anything. I bought Season 4 of ER on DVD last week so started watching on Christmas Day and finished up yesterday. I haven't been completely idle though. I finished up my granny square afghan, thankfully. I thought my wrists and hands were gonna give out altogether. I finshed up a pair of mittens as well. I still have a scarf to finish and a pair of mittens to get done, but am not sure if that's gonna happen while I'm off. I have gone out, somewhat. I went out for dinner on Christmas, I drove to Takhini Hot Springs yesterday, and stopped at Bean North, a local fair trade coffee roaster/shop. Oh, and today I went to the gas station/convenience store, twice!

I am going out to a movie for the first time since my arrival, tomorrow night with a new friend, L. Then she invited me for turkey dinner on Sunday, yummy.

and inbetween, there shall be sloth...

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